


Nobody can gives you as much lessons as your own life. You are tested from every corner; some just come upon you gently, but most of the times, they are not that beautiful. Sometimes it is just something that you’re not supposed to do, but you did it anyway. Pay the price and face the harsh consequences of your own action. Neither uttered words nor past actions could be taken back. They’ll stay there whether you like or not. Value each piece that slips off of your tongue and each action that materialized through your limbs. Weigh them accordingly or else you’ll end up regretting every single one of them. Deciding to take everything to yourself, because you think that you can ‘handle’ or you are thinking that you are ‘helping’ sometimes may not be the right thing to do. It’s not always what ‘you’ feel or think, but it is how 'he/she/they' feel and think that matters. Rather than providing a ‘helping hand’, your actions and words would sometimes just worsen the situation. Rather than assisting, you’ll end up hurting the people around you. & before you know it, you'll be hurting no other than your own self (the most). I just learned it. Through the hard way. I wish a 'sorry' could fix it, but I know, it's not. Regret. Reflect. Remember. Learn. Live. 

.some things are better left unsaid.



Hampir sudah berteleku darinya hamparan. Tiba singgah Richard pekerja 'physical plant work order' membetul sinki yang diadu tersumbat.  Tetiba. Sesudah bangkit. Bertanya dia. Mengapa diri bersujud? Berkata dia yang dianya berhimpun tiap Ahad dan tiap pagi tika bangun ditadah tangan disyukur nikmat diberi hidup. Doanya selalu untuk diri, ibu ayah, keluarga, sanak-saudara. Ditanya kembali mengapa pulanya aku bermunajat begitu?

Tersentak disitu. Ada jawapan terlintas di kalbu. Tapi tika itu langsung sungguh tidak tertitip. Walau baru sangat sudah mengadap. Tapi tiba tak berupaya menjawab. Seolah sepertinya terasa berat hendak meluah. Terasa bagai diusul suatu agenda bermakam kerabat. Tetiba. Teringat satu ayat. Sedikit kait. Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu sangatlah berat kecuali bagi orang yang khusyuk. Terasa ditanya suatu yang sangatnya berat. Seolah disoal atas apa dilaksana tanggungjawap. Atas apa terdorong berbuat sedemikian? Apa gunanya berbongkok tunduk?