Hey hey. This time around I went to set up booth for pet adoption at Whiskers in Wonderland hosted by Mayor's Alliance for NYC's animals. The event took place at Metropolitan Pavilion on December 12th, 2010. I got to see hundreds of cats (yes hundreds!), rabbits, and dogs. Oh, there were also few exotic animals to be adopted including snakes and iguanas.
Mayor's Alliance at Whiskers in Wonderland
Hey hey. This time around I went to set up booth for pet adoption at Whiskers in Wonderland hosted by Mayor's Alliance for NYC's animals. The event took place at Metropolitan Pavilion on December 12th, 2010. I got to see hundreds of cats (yes hundreds!), rabbits, and dogs. Oh, there were also few exotic animals to be adopted including snakes and iguanas.
Holiday Party and Meal Service at Times Square/Common Grounds
First project!
After I become an official New York Cares members, I didn't wait too long to do my first project. As I arrived home from the orientation, I quickly browsed on the NYCares website to look for any project available. Oh I forgot to mention that i'm currently in my winter break (when I did this project). While others went to Europe, or Florida, or Bahamas, or Colorado or even went back home (Malaysia), i'm just here, staying in my tiny little room. I decided to do so (not going anywhere) because I believe that there's much more things in the city that I could do. (another reason was that I already spent most of my money for snowboarding and kinda broke now. lol).
Ingin dicoret secebis fikiran. Ternukil di kala bintang bekerdip. Dikala mentari terlindung teriknya. Purnama pula memancar sinarnya. Kini ku disimpang bercabang. Seribu satu ruang peluang. Terhidang segala ragamnya hidup. Seribu satu jalan disedia. Nikmat kudrat masih dirasa. Nikmat masa tersedia senantiasa. Sejenak kuterfikir. Apakah layak ku terima segala. Siapalah aku diberinya semua. Bukankah aku hanyalah hamba? Ehsan nya dia sang pencipta. Memberi segala tanpa mengira. Kian memberi walau sering ku lupai. Derhakanya aku dibalasnya belas. Tika ku ingat aku bertaubat. Acap ku lupa merewang ku sesat. Hatiku pohon dikurnia hidayah. Agar dipimpin dunia akhirat.
"Dan juga orang-orang yang apabila melakukan perbuatan keji atau menganiaya diri sendiri, mereka segera ingat kepada Allah lalu memohon ampun akan dosa mereka dan sememangnya tidak ada yang mengampunkan dosa-dosa melainkan Allah dan mereka juga tidak meneruskan perbuatan keji yang mereka telah lakukan itu, sedangkan mereka mengetahui (akan salahnya dan akibatnya)" (3:135)
Orientation at West 29th @ 7th Ave, New York, NY
Few months ago, a friend of mine (Haidhar) told me about New York Cares, a non-profit volunteer organization with a headquarter in the city. Founded in the late 1980s, this organization was created in order to take action against serious social issues and to address the problems from the ground up. As of now, they have connection with approximately 1200 nonprofits, city agencies and public schools.
Menukil barang selembar dua,
Apa dirasa di rantau orang,
Apa dilalu ketika dulu,
Apa difikir diufuk akal,
Coretan sekadar cebisan hidup.
Apa dirasa di rantau orang,
Apa dilalu ketika dulu,
Apa difikir diufuk akal,
Coretan sekadar cebisan hidup.
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